Texting (SMS)
Lightpost allows your congregation to text groups for quick communication. The texting tool, utilizing a dedicated toll-free number, is meant for one-way communication to mobile numbers stored in the
What is a text message?
Text messages are a way to send SMS messages to people in a group that have a mobile phone on record.
SMS messages are different than mobile notifications, which users can receive for various things (worship assignments, group posts, etc) and require the member be logged into the Lightpost mobile application to receive them.
SMS messages do have an extra cost associated with them due to the requirement of using a third party service to send SMS messages.
How are text messages counted?
Lightpost counts a text message as every 160 characters sent to each users' unique phone number.
Lightpost automatically filters out duplicate numbers and duplicate recipients.
If multiple people have the same phone number, only one message will be sent.
If a user has multiple mobile phone numbers, a message will only be sent to their primary number.
First message confirmation
When a text message is sent to a user from Lightpost for the first time, Lightpost sends a total of 3 text messages to inform the user about why they're receiving a text message from this number.
These three messages will include information such as:
The first message let's the user know what congregation text messages from this phone number are coming from.
The second message informs the user how to opt-out of and opt-in to future messages.
The third message is the first message you are sending to the group.
These messages only happen one time for each users' phone number, regardless of what group the SMS comes from.
How to send an SMS message
Be sure the "Enable messaging by SMS" option is selected in the "Messaging" tab for the group.
Add yourself as an "Authorized Sender" in the tab option on the left.
Only people who are added to the authorized senders list can send an SMS message. This includes Account Admins.
In the Admin, find the group you wish to message, and click on the group.
Go to the "Send SMS" section.
Enter the message you wish to send, and click "Send".
How to view SMS history
In the Admin, find the group you wish to message, and click on the group.
Go to the "Message History" section.
Click on any past message to view details about who received the text messages and any errors or failures.
Last updated