User Attendance Tracking
User attendance tracking is a way to take attendance for specific users who have been added to Lightpost.
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User attendance tracking is a way to take attendance for specific users who have been added to Lightpost.
Last updated
One of the primary methods for record attendance records for specific people is via the User Attendance tab in the Attendance section.
This will present you with a history of past records (which you can click on the date to edit records), and a "Create" option in the top right corner.
You have two different types of methods for enter user attendance.
You can select the date and attendance types you want to create records for, and then type to search for a user, and press enter to add their attendance record. After pressing enter, you can begin searching for the next person.
This is a great method to use if you collect physical attendance cards and go through them to record attendance.
Note that you can see an "Event Log" on the right to indicate if you mistyped a name that did not apply correctly.
You can also select the "List View" option with the button at the top right after you click the "Create" button.
This will allow you to select an attendance record date, and will present you with a list of all members, and you can click on the empty spaces to record attendance.
Additionally, you can record attendance directly from the mobile app accessible from the main menu. The ability to access and use the Attendance recording feature in the mobile app is based on a permission in a role.
Additionally, there is the ability to allow members to record their own attendance in the mobile and web apps. See more information on Attendance Types on how to enable this.