Website Hosting
Lightpost offers website hosting for churches of Christ! ❤️
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The purpose of Lightpost website hosting is to enable congregations to have a cost effective, beautiful, highly functional web presence with minimal effort.
This service offers:
An attractive, functional website.
The ability to use your own domain name.
Customization option for a logo.
"Out of the box" content such as showing your:
Public calendars
Public sermon uploads
Leadership listings
Public Bible class registration
Public shared files
"Out of the box" options such as:
Public contact form
Public prayer request form
Dedicated "Watch Live" link and page to showcase your live streaming
Dedicated "Plan a Visit" link and page
Dedicated "Service Times" link and page
Prominent Social media links
Default page content such as congregation information, leadership information, about pages and more.
The ability to create pages of content yourself to offer more information about specific programs or opportunities at your congregation.
Website statistics of visitor traffic. (Recording now, available soon)
Linking to social media and live streams.
Domain registration and management, as an optional add-on feature.
This service from Lightpost does NOT offer:
Custom or elaborate designs or options for changing the design.
Full service content management.
Large file distribution.
By limiting design options and customization, we are able to keep costs low and maintenance incredibly low.
Last updated