Assignment Details
Assignments have two types of details you can add to them for instructions to the assignee.
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Assignments have two types of details you can add to them for instructions to the assignee.
Last updated
You can add a description that will be included on all assignments at the Position level.
This is great for non-specific, general information such as "Please arrive 10 minutes early" or "Please speak clearly into the microphone".
This is added at the Position level in an Assignment Group.
Assignment notes are similar to the Position description, except that it is specific to an Assignment that has already been generated in a Time Period.
This is great for dates/assignment specific information, such as "Read Matthew 3:1-3 using the ESV translation" on a scripture reading assignment.
The Position description and Assignment notes will show up in the mobile app (when a user clicks on an assignment to view details) and in email notifications asking a user to accept or decline a given an assignment.
Position descriptions and Assignment notes do not show up in the mobile notifications. Since mobile notifications need to be concise and simple, the detailed information on an assignment is always available in the mobile app when a user clicks on the assignment to view details.