Account Membership
Account membership terminology can be confusing based on other systems use of this language. We'll try to clear that up here.
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Account membership terminology can be confusing based on other systems use of this language. We'll try to clear that up here.
Last updated
A "member" in Lightpost, is any man, woman or child, under the oversight of the elders at your congregation, that belong in the church directory.
This is not to be confused with being a "member of the Lord's body", which is identified by the baptism status on each individual user.
When someone is a member of your congregation in Lightpost, they have access to login to Lightpost and access your congregations' account; as long as they have an email address on file for their user account. (Or have setup alternate login options)
A member is "marked" as a member by being added to a Role that "indicates membership".
This flag on a Role can be set under the "General Settings" tab when editing a Role, and selecting the appropriate checkbox. Here's an example:
These default Roles were setup for you when your account was created.
NOTE: This method used to allow Groups to indicate membership, but it is now only a Role that determines membership access.
It is highly recommended to follow some best practices for this special flag on Roles.
Only make one Role "indicate membership" (usually the "Member" role).
Only make one Group "indicate visitors" (usually the "Visitors" group).
There is no need to create a "Visitor role".