Church Offices
A "church office" (sometimes called a "church role" in congregations) are titles such as "Elder", "Deacon", "Minister", "Evangelist", etc.
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A "church office" (sometimes called a "church role" in congregations) are titles such as "Elder", "Deacon", "Minister", "Evangelist", etc.
Last updated
You can create, reorder and change church offices in the Account Settings section.
The order of the offices listed in the Admin will determine the order that they show in the mobile app.
You cannot change the order of people listings in each office (they are alphabetical) currently.
To assign someone to a church office, visit their profile in the Admin, and scroll down to the "Church Office Information" section, and click the "Add" button.
A user can only belong to one type of office at a time.
For example: you cannot assign two "Deacon" offices to a user, but you can assign a "Preacher" and an "Elder" office.
A "subtitle" is a great way to describe the specific role of someone holding an office.