Visitor Cards
Lightpost provides a URL and QR code that you can place strategically to allow visitors to fill out a record of their attendance with additional information.
Last updated
Lightpost provides a URL and QR code that you can place strategically to allow visitors to fill out a record of their attendance with additional information.
Last updated
Visitor Cards are distinct and separate from the Visitor Tracking feature, which is an add-on for helping to record interactions with visitors on an on-going basis.
Visitor Cards are intended to replace the typical pew cards that are available for people visiting a congregation to fill out and leave behind.
You can access the Visitor Cards URL and QR Code by visiting the "Visitor Card - QR Code" tab in the Attendance section.
Below is a sample only (this URL and QR code are invalid).
You can then go to the Visitor Cards section to view entries, read them and take further action on them.