Family Emails
✉️ Family E-mail Addresses
A family email address is an email address added to a user account, that is then marked specifically as a "shared" family email. An email address marked as a family address will then be shown when viewing any family member in the Admin App, as well as the Member/Mobile App.
Family email addresses have the following restrictions:
You cannot use a family email to login to Lightpost.
You cannot use a family email to receive group email messages.
You cannot use a family email to receive other email notifications.
You cannot use a family email to set or reset a password for a Lightpost user.
Family E-mail Alternatives:
For families that only have one email address that is shared among family members, there are still some options for individuals to login their own Lightpost account.
Phone Number Login: You can use the user's phone number to login.
NOTE: An Admin currently must set the initial password for a user to login with a phone number. You cannot yet reset your password using a phone number.
New E-mail: Ask a user to create their own email account.
Though sometimes seemingly a difficult transition, this can be the most straight-forward and advantageous option, especially for being privacy conscious.
E-mail Variation (NOT RECOMMENDED): Use (+) or (.) to create a variation of an email address. (see note below)
Many email providers allow you to use a (+) or (.) in such a manner that emails will go to the same address.
would be different emails in Lightpost, but both work for sending emails to the same account.
WARNING: Using this method can enable sensitive information to be delivered to the wrong person.
i.e. If an elder and his wife share an email, an elder may receive messages from Lightpost that are for elders only, but his wife would receive a copy.
This method is not recommended for any user that could need access to or receive sensitive information.
Last updated