Attendance Tracking
The Attendance feature in Lightpost offers a number of options centered around keeping attendance records for both head count and individual users.
Some of the highlights include:
Taking attendance via:
The mobile app (for users with permissions to do so)
A list view in the Admin -- click to check the boxes
A "type and enter" view in the Admin
Member Self-Checkin
Allow an option to show up on specific days for members to "fill out their attendance card" via the mobile and web app.
Visitor Cards
Use the provided QR Code and/or URL to send visitors to a form to fill out (like a "Visitor Card" you might have in a church pew).
View and manage the data collected from the visitor card form.
General Attendance
Record general "head count" numbers for services -- such as "we had 210 people attending on Sunday morning".
A "Missing Persons" report that can provide a list of users who have "not attended in X weeks".
A general attendance report showing all attendance records of users for the last 16 attendance type dates.
Attendance Types
You have the ability to define what specific types of repeating events you'd like to record attendance for, such as:
"Sunday Morning Class"
"Sunday Morning Worship"
"Sunday Evening Worship"
"Wednesday Class"
"Sunday Livestream"
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